Cats of Rome

If you’re a cat lover, Rome is the perfect city to admire them. They became part of the scenery in the city, you will always find them laying down on antiquities or chilling on the ruins in the sun. There are designated places to spot them and give them a cuddle, or help the colonies that are taking care of them. The first cat in Rome actually belonged to Emperor Augustus, and ever since they have been a part of the city. We can think of the Roman people like cats; slow, lazy but full of love. Are you ready to know where to find them?

Piramide Cestia (shelter)

The big pyramid in Piramide neighborhood gives hospitality to many cute cats. They run around and sunbathe also in the nearby Cimitero Acattolico. Silence, sun and a suggestive atmosphere make these cats looking like beautiful creatures guarding their surroundings. The cats are always hanging around in the cemetery, so you can visit them whenever you like, but if you want to help and donate food, you can visit them from 2pm to 4pm, every day.

Largo Argentina (shelter)

In the astonishing remains of the temples of Largo Argentina, tons of cats lay down and run around in this magical amusement park. Imagine to be a cat and be able to just sleep on top of a column or being admired by the people around like you’re a proper god. They’ve been taken care of for many, many years, and if you want to help the colony, go visit them from 12am to 6pm, every day.

Verano (shelter)

In the wide territory that goes from Tiburtino to San Lorenzo, passing through the Policlinico, the biggest colony of Europe gives home to many cats. Small houses, called cat-cottages, for them when the weather is not great, plenty of space (inside the Cimitero, in fact) where they can just be themselves. To help them, visit them on Saturday from 10.30 to 13:30.

Tor Pignattara (shelter)

In the colorful Tor Pignattara neighborhood, in Villa de Sanctis, a cat shelter gives hope and help to many mici. You can adopt them, also from a distance, offering help with food and other useful things (veterinary expenses, blankets). Visit them on Sunday from 10:30 to 12.

Appia Antica

The old streets of the Appia Antica aren’t cat shelters, but despite this, you can encounter many cats walking in the extensive fields of the park. If you start a pic-nic and there are cats around, they will be very, very friendly with you. I remember this grey cat (in the photo), spending more than an hour hanging out with me and my pizzette bianche. Of course, you won’t be sure if they’ll be there, but it’s worth a try.

Around the city

During the winter they might not show up as much, but if your eyes are focused enough, sometimes you can spot them running around, chilling on balconies or windows and even asking for some cuddles. For example in Aventino, there are the famous three black cats that are (almost) always there. They look so cool! In Centocelle, many cats greet you when walking around, and in Monti, the cat that, during summer, is always sunbathing on Piazza della Madonna dei Monti, is just cute. In Pigneto I always have encountered black cats, with which I’m in love and in Eur-Cecchignola neighborhood a calm, urban park called “La Casetta dei Gatti” helps many cats, where they can run free and be happy.

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