Your Guide to Christmas in Rome

Rome gets incredibly magical during Christmas with twinkling lights, pandori and panettoni making their shiny and long awaited comeback, a crispy weather that drives you to eat embracing caldarroste at every corner and countless entertaining things to do, from visiting nativity scenes in Churches in the center to shopping the best local handcrafted creations and discovering new cultural traits and traditions. The city gets poppin’ with many delightful Christmas-themed events and artisanal markets, where food and independent artists of every kind show off their creations. I’ve created a list/itinerary/sum-up of the best Roman Christmassy activities (including a few out of the city) and local traditions you can enjoy during the most wonderful time of the year, to dive into the festivities in full Roman style.

Food & Culture

Must Try Christmas Baked Goods

Strolling the busy streets always makes the stomach growl for a snack or for some more, like a delicious, soft pandoro wherein to sink your teeth. This is the best time of year to try some serious traditional deliciousness like torrone, panettone, pandoro or the local Pangiallo, a rounded sweet treat made of flour, dried fruits, honey and candied citrus, brushed on top with yolk (the name pangiallo means “yellow bread” and takes its name from the color of the crust), that is known to be baked on the 21st of December when the solstice takes place, to wish for longer days of sun. Two delicious kinds of cookies of our tradition are also nocchiate (made with hazelnuts), nociate (made with walnuts) and tozzetti, which my mom is great at making! To try the regional delicacies and the classic spread out and well known Italian baked goods head to any bakery in sight! Artisanal Christmas desserts are a must try, and you can’t easily find them throughtout the year, so this is the perfect time to dive into them.

Nativity Scenes

Plenty of wonderful nativity scenes are displayed inside and outside of the city, the most famous is without a doubt the one in Piazza San Pietro, the official inauguration is on December 10th at 5’o clock in the afternoon. The expo “100 Presepi in Vaticano” now at its 45th edition, will take place like last year under the colonnade, starting from the 5th of December until the 9th of January: all the nativities come from regions of Italy and 25 other countries; artists, amateurs and students are the authors of these splendid scenes. One of the oldest nativity scenes can be found in the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore, plus there will be one in Piazza del Campidoglio, Piazza di Spagna and Piazza del Popolo too. Don’t miss the presepe napoletano inside the breathtaking Chiesa Dei Santi Cosma e Damiano.

Strolling the Streets

During Christmas, Rome gets super busy and people are out and about, hunting for the best gifts, but also to enjoy the awesome vibe that can be breathed all around. The best streets you can trample on are Via del Corso, Via del Boschetto (where you’ll find exceptional clothing and accessories, with a wink to vintage and design), Via dei Condotti, Via Cola di Rienzo (jewelry, clothing and homeware), Via del Governo Vecchio (for vintage clothes and cute boutiques), Via Tuscolana and Via Appia Nuova (for low cost shopping with locals). There are cute little boutiques everywhere in the city and exploring a neighborhood like San Lorenzo, Centocelle or Pigneto can give you plenty of awesome ideas for special gifts and also offer you the chance to see new areas.

Decorations and Trees

Don’t miss out on the lighting of the, by now, most famous tree of the world, Spelacchio on the 8th of December in Piazza Venezia, together with the luminaries on Via del Corso. The majestic tree -measuring 28 meters of height- coming this year from Trentino, in Piazza San Pietro will come to light on the 10th of December. Walk through the beautifully decorated alleys in the core of the center to soak in the Christmas charm and get fully enthralled by the twinkling lights. (Piazzas and streets out of the center get their fairly huge amount of decorations and lights too and it’s something I like to admire, because every neighborhood does it differently! Malls in Rome go crazy too, with tiny Christmas villages and lights everywhere!)

Christmas Villages & Entertainment

Christmas World at Auditorium Parco della Musica

A wonderful fair about the many enchanting Christmas’ traditions around the world. A journey through different cultures accompanied by one common denominator: Christmas! Make sure to book your tickets online here. Where and When: Via Pietro de Coubertin, 30 / From 9th of December to 10th of January

Natale a Cinecittà World

Far out of the city, the not very well known Cinecittà World amusement park hosts a fantastic Christmas themed extravaganza with sweet snacks to enjoy between one attraction to another. The light show, with many astonishing reproductions of fantasy creatures, majestic trees and a musical taking place in the Teatro 1, inside the park, are two of the many reasons why you should really visit! Where and when: Via Irina Alberti, Roma / From 4th of December to 9th of January

Ice Skating

Ice skating is something Romans go crazy for! I’m personally terrified so I guess I’m the exception, but this entertaining wintery activity is absolutely a must during the coldest months. In the city the most known is the one at the Auditorium, but (almost) every city, including Rome, in the region gets an open air one in piazzas or parks and that is a perfect excuse to go explore them too! Where: Auditorium Parco della Musica in Rome / Piazza Rossellini in Ladispoli / Piazza Bartolomeo della Queva in Tivoli

Markets & Events

Christmas Land at Ragusa Off

On via Tuscolana, right inside the ex-deposit of ATAC, the most famous Roman vintage market has some of the best vibes all year long. Edgy, young and lively, the Christmas one gets even shinier thanks to a huge selection of local artists. From food to man crafted goods, this is where young locals go for a stroll of truly unique gift shopping. Where and when: Piazza Ragusa, Via Tuscolana, 179 / 11-12-18-19 December

Mercato Monti Urban Market

How much I love Monti and this market I can’t even describe! Buzzing with Romans enjoying their drinks and filled with stunning creations, perfect for a one-of-a-kind gift hunting. I always find something amazing and eccentric, plus the neighborhood it’s in allows you to truthfully feel and experience the Roman Christmas vibe with its stunningly lit alleys. Where and when: Via Leonina, 46 / 6-7-8-11-12-18-19-22-23-24 December

FusoLab 2.0 Fiera del Regalo Accessibile

Quite out of the center, another delightful and very local Christmas market takes place for locals and not in the heart of Eastern Rome, exactly in the Alessandrino neighborhood. Here craft handed creations and accessible prices are the main focuses. I still remember finding one of the most perfect gifts for my Nonno here: a handmade liquor confected with Rossana candies! (If you don’t know Rossana candies, you really should! Next time you’re at an Italian supermarket look for them: so incredibly good!) Where and when: Viale della Bella Villa, 94 / 18-19 December

Hippie Market Christmas Edition

Northern Rome and its new lovely open air market has lots of sensational Christmassy things to enjoy this year: typical food to warm you up, music, a kid area and lots of cool crafts designed by locals. Where and when: Largo Labia / 8-18-19 December

Out of the City

Christmas Village in Frascati

A typical and lovely walk through a Frascati that changes its already delightful aspect to an even more magical one, filled with decorations, lights, little wooden houses and famous Christmas tunes as a soundtrack. The main piazzas of the town will also be the protagonists, in Piazza San Pietro you’ll get to try delicious regional and Christmas typical snacks and if you’d like to admire the view (which is truly a great one from here) in Piazza Marconi an 18 meters ferris wheel will definitely meet your need! Where and when: Frascati / From 26th of November to 9th of January

Magico Bosco del Natale in Cassino

The biggest Christmas Village of central Italy takes place in Cassino, a little lovely town in the province of Frosinone, in the Terme Varroniane, where wonderful Christmas themed shows (including Il Labirinto degli Elfi), food stalls and an ice skating ring combine together to create a truly amazing atmosphere. Book your ticket here. Where and when: Via Agnone, Terme Varroniane, Cassino / From 27th of November to 6th of January

Viterbo Christmas Village

Imagine one of the most beautiful and old medieval towns in the region of Lazio, coming alive with lights and Christmas decorations all around, that is Viterbo Christmas Village. To get there, you’ll walk through the stunning hamlet, with plenty of expos (from food to handmade gift ideas) finding the Casa di Babbo Natale, la Fabbrica della Befana, la Stalla di Rudolph and so much more! Get your tickets here. Where and when: Via San Pellegrino, Viterbo / from 4th to 12th of December (10 am – 8 pm), 17th of December (3 pm – 8 pm), 18-19 December (10 am – 8 pm) and from 23rd of December to 9th of January (10 am – 8 pm). Closed from the 20th to the 22nd.

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